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Looking for Employees?

Project Skills offers paid work experiences for high school students with disabilities. Students learn skills in different jobs with the support of a job coach. Project Skills helps a student build a work history and list of references.

This program is offered by the Department of Human Services vocational rehabilitation (VR) agencies and local school districts. Employers who are looking for people that are hard workers, have a good work ethic and the ability to get along with others -- Project skills might be for you. Employers will assist in training for the job by following the training plan listed on your work experience agreement. They will also provide supervision and will supply sufficient materials and equipment to perform assigned duties. The employer will make sure that all working conditions are safe, healthy, and obey all child labor laws. As an employer you will need to:
- keep accurate time and attendance records and assist in sending in time cards (State of South Dakota pays wages)
- provide adequate general liability & automobile liability insurance
- provide information on progress in employment
-provide suggestions for modifying work environments
-suggest work related skills to be taught in school curriculum
-participate in identifying a training plan
- provide direction with job duties

- promote good work habits

Contact Jerry Bartels to get signed up today!

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