Date and Time
Wednesday Sep 18, 2024
store hours
Pied Piper
2 E Cherry
Vermillion SD
Pied Piper One Year Anniversary Celeb...
Help Pied Piper Flowers celebrate their one year anniversary with week long specials!
Stop in from 9/11 - 9/18 to be entered in a drawing for $100 gift card!
Winner will be announced 9/19 -- need not be present to win!
Enjoy Fall Fest with specials, treats, and cider from 9/16-9/21
20% off Fall itemsTwig bundles $8.99Birch poles BOGO 1/2 priceFresh mum stems $2.00Florist mum plant $9.99Kalanchoe plant $19.99Croton plant $29.994” Kalanchoe plant or African violet $10.99