About Us
At Culligan, we offer countless options to bring you the best water possible. Through water testing, we can determine the specific needs for each customer. Whether through whole home filters, drinking water coolers, reverse osmosis drinking water systems or water softening systems, we will do what it takes to meet our residential and commercial customers water needs. We also offer bottled water and salt delivery for our customers. Give us a call if you are tired of lifting those heavy bottles and bags. Jared and Amanda Adamson, lifelong Yankton residents and graduates of the University of South Dakota, purchased Culligan Water Conditioning in Yankton in January 2016. Since they have taken over the reins, Culligan has gone through many exciting changes. We no offer many high efficiency models for softeners and reverse osmosis drinking systems! We have also expanded and moved to our new location at 401 E. 4th Street in Yankton. Our new location offers easier access for our customers, as well as much needed space for our growing business! If you have any questions about getting the best water possible for your home or business, give us a call!