Computers & Technology Computer Services/Sales
Office Hours Monday - Friday 8:00 AM to 5:00 PM
24/7 Support Line
About Us
ESG provides services to businesses, schools, counties, cities, and non-profits throughout the Midwest from our offices in Overland Park, Kansas, and Vermillion, South Dakota. We have a 24/7 Service Desk, remote support/management capabilities, and available on-site technicians in six states. Our service offerings include consulting, deployment, management, cloud solutions, website services, and e-mail hosting.
Our ownership includes a military veteran, and our workforce is comprised of many former military members who have obtained IT experience either during their time in the armed forces or using their veteran education funding to pursue technology careers. As a result of this military influence on our processes and structure, we believe very strongly in:
• PARTNERING with our clients to be not just a vendor, but a driver of growth, proactive management, and employee satisfaction/retention for our clients.
• LEADERSHIP with our clients on technology challenges and best practices.
• VIGILANCE with our clients on emerging threats, and opportunities to educate and engage their staff for greater security and productivity.